Do More. Be More.

by - 11:43:00 PM

inspirational quote

         Good day Lovelins!!! How have you been? :) well for me I feel so enlightened and motivated nowadays. I don't know why my spirit are so high lately :) You know you can't be sad forever, I mean, there will always be a sun to brighten up your day and God to guide you all the way :)
The best way to battle up the sadness inside is to smile together with your heart and show some love <3 XOXO

      So it's been three months since I've started this blog. Yes time flies so fast. It is September now tomorrow will be October, the next they you'll notice its already 2017. I'm making the most of my 2016 that's why I'm trying to be diligent so that I can look back my 2016 with a smile because I've done so much for that year and not just wasted another year in my life.

      This year, I have learn about blogging, I studied blogger by myself, its like I started from scratch, because I am a perfect stranger when it comes to this. I met blogger, wix, wordpress, domain, hosting, alt tags, CSS, SEO, and html then I said to myself " It is a bigger world than I thought ". I am still in the process of learning these kind of stuff because I know there are lots and lots of these to encounter, and a lot more of these to meet in the future. And of course I am looking forward to the monetary gains lol, I don't want to sound like a hypocrite though  XD

       It is somewhat rewarding to know that you were capable of doing something when you have no idea that you can do it at all. All you need to do is to try. I look up to my fellow Filipino and Filipina bloggers especially on those who were on Youtube. They are making quite some reputation on the internet. They are my inspiration because I know, like me, they started from nothing but because of their passion, it took them to a place where they are highly looked up :)

      I am so eager to prove something for myself too because I believe that if they can do it, I know that I can too. And that is how we roll!!! :D

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