New White All in One Cream Review

by - 1:26:00 AM

                               new white all in one cream
  Good day Lovelins!! I've been doing a lot of reviews today since I have a chance and I don't know when will I have my free time to update my not-so-old blog site. So again I am reviewing a Thailand product bought from an online shop. The reason why I bought so many products is because I planned to sell it online but my parents rebuked me from doing so since the products are not really known in the country and also because of the language barrier. They were telling me that its not safe to sell and it may adverse effect on the customer. To make the story short, I end up using all of it hehe :) Another item I got is new cream all in one cream. It promises to whiten all of the dark areas in the body. Here comes my review.

                                          new white cream

                                          half filled cream

How much I bought it: I bought the cream for 45 pesos from Asian Vanity Shop

The product promises: to lighten all the dark areas of your skin, it can be used as deodorant

How many times I used it: I used it once a day as part of my daily skin care routine.

How do I use it: I get an ample amount of the product and apply it in my dark areas such as the armpit, knee, elbow and bikini lines.

  • it has a mango fruity scent. That's all, its the only pros I can tell about this product. Get ready for the cons lol XD
  • what makes me hate it is it darkens my underarms, well my underarms are not that dark though but yeah its just sad.
  • the product came to me half filled. My money comes to waste for this product.    
  • it is very sticky and hard to apply, it stains my finger especially my shirt. It makes me sweat even more.
  • the product only last up for less than a week.
  • 45 pesos is not worth for the cream.
Verdict: I rate this cream 1/5 :( . My experience from this product is just sad. I've been reading a lot of good feed backs about it but the result really depends on the response of the body and mine's not good.

Recommendations: Stop using any product immediately if you see any signs of adverse effect on you.

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